Friday, January 4, 2013


Hello! My name is Yewon Kim. I lived in America for 1 year 2011-2012. I went to IMS, short for Islander Middle School in Mercer Island. It was very different from Korean schools. But I had fun.
                                                                                                                  I have a doll named 'Ori'.                                     She's been living with me since I was born. 
She and I are have a close relationship. 
Ori in the bus
So, whatever I went to somewhere, 
I usually brought her with me.

Ori in America apt

I also have a dog named, Pang. I got him 
when he was 2 months old in August 2012. 
He is very cute but also very playful 
which makes other dogs unhappy. He really likes eating.
 He likes balls, ropes and dolls that a baby would also play with.


  1. Hi... I'm very glad to meet u.
    Enjoy GLPS camp

  2. I thought Ori was a dog.
    What is Yoka?

    1. Yoka is my English name. I don't like to have a same English name with others so I chose a special name. Sorry, but who are you?

  3. Hey yewon... I'm sua. I know that ori is a doll! I wanted to see that and I can thanks to your pictures:)

  4. Hi Yewon,

    It is nice to learn more about you. You did a great job on this post. The pictures add a personal touch. Keep up the good work!

  5. Hi!
    It was good to know you better from this post. Nice pics of 'Ori' made this post more interesting and enjoyable to read. I look forward to reading your future posts!

    -Yongwook, Oh (Writing TA)
